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Old 08-07-2020, 06:28 AM   #38
AKA: jeepnski
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Originally Posted by freerider15 View Post
It comes down to simply...why?

Other than a likely small margin, I would be surprised if the actual market of buyers is worth the investment in configuration, tooling, etc. etc. etc.

No one is taking their JL/JT's to the track, or really doing massive towing with them.

It comes down to "having it". Unless you're rolling on tons and large tires...the extra power at some point starts to become moot.

What they need to do, is offer better six cylinder options overall...but even then, we're talking a small minority that even care THAT much.
i mean ... if "just to have it, cuz no one needs it", was really an argument ... why do we have any options at all? if that argument was true then we'd have no AC, no radio, no heated seats, and those are now standard on stuff.

this nation is gluttonous in their willingness to pay for "wants", god bless America.
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