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Old 03-29-2019, 06:28 AM   #46
AKA: jeepnski
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Originally Posted by nblehm View Post
You don't own diesel trucks do you?

Our labor rate is like 150 a hour. Dealerships around here are 160-190.
Originally Posted by xj_man_646 View Post
Also, see the term stealership.
i stand by my previous statement of DEALER gouging, both parts and labor. though i bet you don't get nearly enough of that 150/hour either, and the dealer's newb is getting way less of their higher cost.

when was the last time you got a better part cheaper at the dealer vs ... oh ... anywhere else? same part, same manufacturer, 2-10x more money depending on source. then they say you aren't allowed to bring any parts in for them to install, so they make extra money selling bits to the captive audience.
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